Par­ents play an essen­tial role in the edu­ca­tion of their chil­dren. Two-way com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the par­ents and staff is a cor­ner­stone of every­thing we do whether it be through infor­mal con­ver­sa­tions each day or through a more for­mal par­ent-teacher conference.

As a coop­er­a­tive we rely on the many inter­ests, tal­ents, and skills that fam­i­lies bring with them. Fam­i­lies are asked to par­tic­i­pate in ways that fit with­in their com­fort zone.

Events held through­out the year fos­ter a strong sense of com­mu­ni­ty. A potluck pic­nic, our annu­al Win­ter Sol­stice par­ty, a pan­cake break­fast, soup day, and oth­er hap­pen­ings that bring us togeth­er are ways for fam­i­lies to get to know each oth­er and to make life­long friends.

In August, par­ents, chil­dren, and teach­ers work togeth­er at a school-wide work par­ty to get the school ready for opening.

We are com­mit­ted to socio-eco­nom­ic diver­si­ty and hold sev­er­al fundrais­ing events through­out the year to sup­port our schol­ar­ship fund. These include an ice-skat­ing par­ty, a pup­pet and pan­cakes break­fast, and a Spring Fling, to name a few.

Par­ents and teach­ers are mem­bers of the Preschool Coun­cil which meets quar­ter­ly. We wel­come input from par­ents and teach­ers as we work togeth­er to cre­ate an envi­ron­ment where every­one plays a part in mak­ing the school a wel­com­ing place for all.

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Since 1977 The Children’s Preschool has been my sec­ond home. Over the years many things have changed but what remains the same is the feel­ing inside when I hear the laugh­ter of chil­dren, when I lis­ten to their sto­ries and mar­vel at the way they learn about the world around them, and when the hugs and smiles are unend­ing. The joy of being with young chil­dren has sus­tained me through the years and I have been so for­tu­nate to spend my days with them. They con­tin­ue to show me how beau­ti­ful and amaz­ing the sim­plest things in life can be.”

– Kathy Michel