Wel­come to The Children’s Preschool! The foun­da­tion of our pro­gram is our love for chil­dren. We hon­or and respect chil­dren’s nat­ur­al capac­i­ty to grow and learn through play. Our respon­sive and flex­i­ble pro­gram nur­tures, stim­u­lates, and gen­tly sup­ports chil­dren’s devel­op­ment. We val­ue chil­dren’s emerg­ing inde­pen­dence and unique sense of self. 

We help chil­dren to build friend­ships, to con­tribute to the com­mu­ni­ty, and to take care of them­selves and the world around them. Our mixed age group mod­els the real world and we pride our­selves on build­ing a com­mu­ni­ty of chil­dren that tru­ly care for each other. 

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There are many joys to teach­ing in a mul­ti-age preschool. Chil­dren enter as young three year olds, unsure of them­selves, but filled with curios­i­ty. From their old­er peers, chil­dren learn what it means to be part of the preschool com­mu­ni­ty. Old­er chil­dren help the younger chil­dren nav­i­gate the class­room and men­tor them on what it means to be a friend and a leader. Chil­dren leave for kinder­garten as com­pe­tent and con­fi­dent chil­dren ready to take on the world.”

– Jessica Giacalone, teacher