The Children’s Preschool enrolls three- to five-year-old chil­dren in a sin­gle, mixed-age class. 

We believe our com­mu­ni­ty is enriched by the diverse back­grounds and per­spec­tives of the Preschool’s fam­i­lies. We help chil­dren build friend­ships, con­tribute to the com­mu­ni­ty, and take care of them­selves and the world around them. 

We rec­og­nize that we have chil­dren at many dif­fer­ent devel­op­men­tal lev­els in our mixed-age group pro­gram, and plan cur­ricu­lum with vary­ing devel­op­men­tal needs in mind. We take joy in sup­port­ing each child’s unique process of social, emo­tion­al, intel­lec­tu­al, and phys­i­cal growth. 

There are many ben­e­fits to the mixed-age group at the preschool lev­el. It allows for the old­er chil­dren to devel­op lead­er­ship skills and demon­strate by exam­ple for the younger chil­dren. In turn, the younger chil­dren are moti­vat­ed to learn from their old­er peers. Every child is giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to shine depend­ing on their strengths. Our mixed-age group­ing mir­rors the real world. We pride our­selves on build­ing a com­mu­ni­ty of chil­dren that tru­ly care for each other.

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